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Welcome to Bois de Sioux Watershed District!

boundary update


In the matter of the petition (available by click here) for the boundary enlargement of the Bois de Sioux Watershed District (BdSWD), pursuant to Minn. Stat. §103D.261. Whereas, the subject petition and complete supporting documentation were received on February 12, 2024, and served on the Board of Water and Soil Resources (Board) pursuant to Minn. Stat. §103D.261. The Board has reviewed the petition for conformance with state law and rule and determined that the petition is valid.

Now therefore, the Board hereby issues the following:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board invites written comments on the petition for a boundary enlargement. All comments received will be considered before a decision is made to change the boundary. Any person who objects to the petition may submit a written request for hearing to the Board. If no written requests for a hearing are submitted within 30 days of the last publication of this notice of filing, the Board will consider all of the comments and information received pertaining to the petition and make a decision on the boundary enlargement without conducting a public hearing.

Please submit any written comments or a written request for a hearing on or before July 21, 2024 to:
Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
ATTN: BWSR Northern Region Manager
525 Lake Avenue South, Suite 400
Duluth, Minnesota 55802

The proposed boundary enlargement encompasses approximately 80 acres of land in Stevens County, Minnesota to achieve a more accurate alignment between the hydrological and legal boundaries of the BdSWD and allow for the watershed district to correctly permit landowner projects that may affect neighboring properties. The petition is a joint petition of the BdSWD and Stevens County.

A copy of the petition is available for review at www.bdswd.com. Inquiries regarding the petition may be directed to:
• Jamie Beyer, BdSWD Administrator at 320.563.4185 or bdswd@runestone.net

For further information regarding this notice, contact Ryan Hughes, Northern Region Manager, Board of Water & Soil Resources, at 218.770.9687 or ryan.hughes@state.mn.us.

Dated in Duluth, Minnesota this 24th day of May, 2024.
/s/ Ryan Hughes
Northern Region Manager

Updated Lidar

You may no access our updated landowner maps at: https://gisapps.iwinst.org/map-portal/. Once you zoom in to the land you are interested in viewing, you can select "MN Contours (1f) from the Layer List menu on the right side of the screen. Continue to zoom in to view the elevation measurements.

Water Quality Is Important

The Bois de Sioux Watershed District not only manages its own water quality projects, but through participation in the Red River Watershed Management Board, we participate in regional water quality projects in the Red River Basin. Click here to view a newly released report on the work that has been done!

Mustinka River Rehabilitation & Redpath impoundment Groundbreaking

Photo Above (from left to right): BDSWD Board Manager Doug Dahlen, Senator Rob Kupec, Senator Jordan Rasmusson, Red River Watershed Management Executive Director Rob Sip.

Norcross, MN – On September 22, 2023, the Bois de Sioux Watershed District held a groundbreaking ceremony marking the commencement of construction of the Mustinka River Rehabilitation and Redpath Flood Impoundment. 

District Attorney Lukas Croaker emceed the event, hosting around 80 individuals including neighboring landowners, Senators Jordan Rasmusson and Rob Kupec, Department of Agriculture Commissioner Thom Petersen, BWSR Executive Director John Jaschke, DNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen, Clean Water Council Administrator Paul Gardner, Senator Amy Klobuchar’s staff support and former Minnesota representative Ben Lien.  President Linda Vavra thanked landowners for their commitment to this project.  District Engineer Chad Engels provided a description of the construction left ahead:  the remeandering of the Mustinka River channel will be completed in 2025.  Construction of remaining impoundment levees will be built under Phase 3, and Phase 4 construction is comprised of installation of concrete inlet and outlet structures.  The District must secure $13.8 million more in Flood Hazard Mitigation funds to finish the project.

Senator Jordan Rasmusson stayed on-site and received an in-depth tour of the Redpath Impoundment and Mustinka River projects with BdSWD Engineer Technician Troy Fridgen. “Congratulations to the Bois de Sioux Watershed District and their partners for entering the next phase of this important project, “ said Rasmusson. “Protecting our region from flooding is a key priority for me, and I am glad to see significant progress being made."  Senator Rasmusson was pivotal during the 2023 legislative session to secure $5,000,000 in flood hazard mitigation funds for the Redpath Impoundment and other Red River Valley projects.

Financial awards have been provided by the State of Minnesota Lessard Sams Outdoor Heritage Council Fund, the State of Minnesota Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, the State of Minnesota BWSR Clean Water Fund Legacy Amendment Act Projects and Practices and Mutlipurpose Drainage Management and Water Quality & Storage Pilot Program Grants, DNR Flood Hazard Mitigation Program, the Red River Watershed Management Board, and State of Minnesota Lessard Sams Outdoor Heritage Council DNR Conservation Partners Legacy Grant.



Grant Money received!

The BDSWD proudly thanks the Minnesota Legacy Act Clean Water Fund, administered by the Board of Soil and Water Resources, for the grant opportunities to fund the Joint Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan, Lake Traverse Water Quality Improvement Project (Phases 1 - 3), Redpath Flood Impoundment, Mustinka River Rehabilitation, WCD #Sub-1, and TCD #35.

Funding for the Mustinka River Rehabilitation project was provided by the Red River Watershed Management Board, Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR),the State of Minnesota Outdoor Heritage Fund Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council, and the Legacy Act Clean Water Fund through the Board of Water and Soil Resources. For more information about how the funds are spent by the District please click here and for more information about the LCCMR grant funding source please click here.



Office Hours


Tile Permits

Tile is an important tool for management of excess water. These projects are regulated through our permit application process -> start here..


LIDAR Map Portal

Looking for topographical and watershed map information?


And here are some instructions on how to use the portal.

Mustinka River Rehabilitation and Redpath Flood Impoundment

The District has begun Phase 2 construction in 2023. For more information about these joint projects, please watch our informational video on YouTube.

Our meetings

The Bois de Sioux Watershed District Board of Managers meets regularly on the third Thursday of each month, generally for a half of a day starting at 8:00 a.m. April through October and at 9:00 a.m. November through March in the District conference room (unless otherwise noted on the agenda). The public is welcome! .

Click Here for Meeting Notices - Scroll for Committees 


The Lake Traverse Water Quality Improvement Project was recently featured by the Red River Water Management Board. Check-out project details here.